P&C in the News
Kill the conflict, not the animal: Helping communities become Bear Smart
AWI Quarterly 2/1/2025
Grizzly mortality in Montana down in 2024
Coeur d’Alene Press 1/9/2025
Montana unveils its plan for managing grizzly bears
Montana Free Press 10/16/2024
'Quest for calories': Bears venturing to town looking for food
Ravalli Republic 9/17/2024
Bear Aware month events planned in Philipsburg, Missoula, Lolo
NBC Montana 9/10/2024
Bears, fruit trees and gleaning in Northwest Montana
Bigfork Eagle 8/16/2024
Bears awake early, local organization looks to head off conflicts
Hungry Horse News 3/20/2024
Community leaders launch ‘Living in Flathead’ guide to the Valley
Flathead Beacon 1/29/2024
Montana’s new wolf management plan
Montana PBS 1/27/2024
Becoming 'bear smart': Bozeman explores how to prevent conflict in bear country
Bozeman Daily Chronicle 1/19/2024
37th annual Hunters’ Feed: Bear spray training featured
The Madisonian 10/26/2023
City will chip in for railroad crossing at 12th Ave. West, and other City updates
Hungry Horse News 10/11/2023
City of Bozeman offering bear-resistant trash cans to help reduce chances of bear encounters
KBZK 10/10/2023
Opinion: UM needs to be more Bear Aware
Montana Kaimin 10/52023
Hiking or camping this summer? What to do if you encounter a bear
USA Today 7/10/2023
The “Bear Aware” Movement Takes Hold in Montana
Sierra 7/8/2023
Bear Fair shares preventative information
Seeley Swan Pathfinder 6/28/23
Columbia Falls passes bear law that centers on securing garbage
Hungry Horse News 6/14/2023
Helping keep visitors safe and bears wild
Bigfork Eagle 6/8/2023
Big Sky leaders to teach hands-on wildlife safety
Explore Big Sky 5/31/23
Columbia Falls considers adopting ordinance to reduce bear conflicts
Flathead Beacon 5/16/2023
911 calls and bears top Hot Springs council agenda
Valley Press/Mineral Independent 4/10/2023
‘We’re supporting it’: Alberton to pursue Bear Smart program
Missoulian 3/10/2023
Nonprofit offers money for communities to go Bear Smart
Missoulian 1/30/2023
Stories about the launch of the Bear Smart Community Resource Fund also ran in the Missoula Current (2/1/2023), Charkoosta (2/2/2023), Flathead Beacon (2/11/2023), and Bozeman Daily Chronicle (2/16/2023)
Wildlife advocates want nonlethal control added to grizzly bill
Missoula Current 1/18/2023
Connecting grizzly recovery zones may benefit populations
The Missoulian, 1/18/2022
One of a 10-part series, Grizzlies and Us, that began on Sunday, January 9, 2022
As a grizzly roams, wildlife managers and a non-profit are keeping tabs, trying to prepare people in communities as grizzlies expand.
The Missoulian, 1/17/2022
One of a 10-part series, Grizzlies and Us, that began on Sunday, January 9, 2022
A rancher in Avon, MT has been working with People and Carnivores to protect his property from grizzly bears and reflects on the challenges of living with large carnivores.
The Missoulian, 1/16/2022
One of a 10-part series, Grizzlies and Us, that began on Sunday, January 9, 2022
Stroll the historic ghost town boardwalk, and you might see chuckwagon dinners, vigilantes and gunfights. You won’t likely see a bear getting into the garbage.
The Missoulian, 1/13/2022
One of a 10-part series, Grizzlies and Us, that began on Sunday, January 9, 2022
Keeping grizzlies out of trash saves sheep, by getting rid of the real problem - ravens.
The Missoulian, 1/10/2022
One of a 10-part series, Grizzlies and Us, that began on Sunday, January 9, 2022
Local group, People and Carnivores, works to secure garbage from bears in southwest Montana
Bozeman Daily Chronicle, November 2021
Grizzly committee considers Bear Smart program – with teeth
Missoula Current 12/9/2021
Coexistence Efforts Increase in the Bitterroot Valley as Bears Encroach the Area.
Ravalli Republic, 11/12/2021
Cider pressing and gleaning event a win-win for bears and people
Lake County Leader 9/23/2021
Dillion Tribune 9/22/2021
Towns grappling with grizzly bear presence
The Guardian 9/17/2021
60 Minutes Included People and Carnivores in a Profile of Grizzly Bear Recover in Montana.
(60 Minutes) Updated Version 8/8/2021
(YouTube) Original Version 10/11/2020
Grizzly committee looks to Canada ‘bear smart’ communities
Flathead Beacon 12/14/2020
Assistance available to prevent bear conflicts
Lake County Leader 6/18/2020
State pays record amount for livestock killed in 2019
Bozeman Daily Chronicle 1/9/2020
Armed and ready–for safer travel in griz country
Mountain Journal 09/23/2019
Local grizzly bears could help populate other areas
Valley Journal 09/04/2019
Knowing how to live in wild Montana
Char-Koosta News 08/22/2019
Dog Tales: People and Carnivores comes to Alder to share the benefits of livestock guard dogs
The Missoulian 04/04/2019
Monday Montanan: Andrews mixes cows, bears, and books
The Missoulian 02/25/2019
Learn to Live with Wildlife conference causes ire, discussion
Tri-State Livestock News 02/15/2019
Montana women ranchers share challenges of living with grizzlies
Ravalli Republic 02/03/2019
Flathead Beacon 10/24/2018
Grizzly bear management begins at home
Char-Koosta News 09/06/2018
Experts share bear confrontation information
Valley Journal 09/05/2018
Wildlife managers urge Montanans to be bear aware
Montana Public Radio 08/30/2018
People and Carnivores looks at coexisting with bears
The Madisonian 07/19/2018
After griz shooting, doubts and guilt
Jackson Hole News & Guide 06/13/2018
Let’s keep bears out of our garbage
The Madisonian 12/14/2017
These Montana ranchers are helping grizzlies, wolves, and cattle coexist
Ensia 11/28/2017
The Washington Post 11/27/2017
Grizzly conflicts can be managed proactively
Bozeman Daily Chronicle 10/18/2017
Cornfield Griz: Partnership works to keep bears out of the corn in Montana’s Mission Valley
Missoulian 09/16/2017
We can find a balance between people and carnivores
Bozeman Daily Chronicle 06/24/2017
What a ‘Great Yellowstone Thaw’ means for grizzlies
Rewire 06/20/2017
Jackson Hole News and Guide 07/13/2016
Counterpoint: Ranching done strategically can reduce livestock depredation
BEEF 11/02/2015
What happens when hunters and grizzlies collide
Jackson Hole News & Guide: Environmental 10/07/2015
Upswing in grizzly attacks, black bear encounters not a reason to panic
CBS News – Canada 09/20/2015
What do you do with a bear that kills a person?
National Geographic Online 08/20/2015
Yellowstone tragedy shouldn’t lead to paranoia
Bozeman Daily Chronicle 08/11/2015
Working Ranch, June/July 2015
Experts say ranching done right improves the environment and wildlife habitat
BEEF 02/26/2015
Preventing Predation of Livestock
HMIs in Practice 11/12/2014
Livestock discussion highlights nonlethal predator control
Bozeman Daily Chronicle 10/30/2013
Herding experiments could aid pastures, predators
Bozeman Daily Chronicle 09/16/2013
Bear spray promotion week targets Yellowstone visitors
Bozeman Daily Chronicle 06/28/2013
High stock density grazing can help prevent predation losses in livestock
The Stockman Grass Farmer, May 2013