Mountain Lions
Mountain lions can live in many habitats, although you may not see them.
While mountain lions can be found throughout the western U.S., (a smaller area than their historic occupied range), and may live in canyons, mountains, forests, and even developed areas, they’re rarely seen in the wild due in part to their reclusive nature.
Conflict Prevention Basics
Stay safe when recreate in lion country, and prevent lions from hanging around homes.
Looking for more on preventing conflicts with mountain lions?
Conflict Prevention Tools
We use a variety of tools in residential areas and the backcountry to keep people, property, and mountain lions safe, like scare devices, guard dogs, carcass management techniques, and fencing solutions.
Research and Guides
We’ve put together a guide of best practices, compiled a literature reference, and more to share our knowledge on applying conflict prevention methods and tools for mountain lions.
Brochure: Mountain Lions in Montana
We’ve created a brochure with tips on recognizing lion sign and steps on staying safe while recreating in lion country.