Bear Smart Initiatives
Check out the Bear Smart Community Resource Program
People and Carnivores provides resources for community-level human-bear conflict prevention programs. We offer consulting and support services, educational materials, and limited funds to local Bear Smart efforts.
Communities throughout the Northern Rockies are taking proactive measures to prevent human-bear conflicts.
In 2020, we began working with the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) to develop a Bear Smart Community framework, modeled after a successful Canadian program. In December 2022, the IGBC endorsed the framework.
Being a Bear Smart Community takes more than just a single action—it requires people coming together to reduce human risks and help bears stay out of trouble within city or town limits (or other defined area). While every initiative is different, typically this means gathering information and forming a working group, conducting an assessment of risks and needs, creating a plan to address those needs, implementing solutions, and setting up ongoing monitoring and sustainability.
Bear Smart initiatives not only reduce risks, they also give residents and businesses a way to create community, hold engaging events, and welcome visitors and tourists with confidence.
Bear Smart Resources
Educational Materials
We’ve created bear safety kits and handouts for different audiences, including for homeowners, vacation rentals, restaurants, and others.
Bear Smart FAQ
What does it mean to be “Bear Smart,” how do you do you take on this type of community-wide initiative, and what resources are available? Our FAQ answers these questions and more.
Bear Smart Initiatives Information Sheet
We put together a handout with a short overview about Bear Smart Community initiatives.
Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee
The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) released a framework and reference on Bear Smart Communities to guide interested groups through the process.
Get Bear Smart
Get Bear Smart offers information on community-wide bear conflict reduction efforts.
Learn what “Bear Smart” means for one Montana town.
Over several years, Virginia City worked to become a Bear Smart Community. Watch the video to hear more about what it means to them.