Planned Giving
Leaving A Lasting Gift for Carnivore Conservation
Planned giving comes in many forms and gives supporters a way to make lasting gifts to a cause they believe in. Designating People and Carnivores as a recipient of a planned gift provides you and your family a sense of satisfaction and pride, knowing your contribution will continue to make a difference for wild carnivores and western lands into the future.
A planned gift may take the form of an estate gift or a life-income gift. Examples of planned gifts include:
Naming People and Carnivores in your estate planning; for example your will or a living trust. This is the most common form of legacy giving. Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime, and your bequest can be changed at any time. At the end of this document we provide sample bequest language.
Designating People and Carnivores as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Benefits pass to People and Carnivores after your lifetime, free of estate tax.
Retirement plan gifts, where you name People and Carnivores as a beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plan instrument. Given to a charity, your plan is not subject to estate or income taxes.
You may wish to designate a specific purpose for your gift or, as an alternative to restricting the use of your gift, you might consider making your gift unrestricted and flexible so that future directions and projects of the organization are accommodated.
Please note that each state has its own laws and rules relative to planned giving instruments. Because the requirements for the gift to take effect vary depending on where you reside now or in the future, we recommend that you consult an estate planner before making your gift. The example we provide below is general language that has worked in the past and may work in several states, but might not comply with your state’s requirements. To be sure, we suggest you work with an attorney, CPA, or other professional to ensure your needs are met and your intentions are expressed accurately and are consistent with applicable laws.
Sample general bequest language: “I hereby give to People and Carnivores, a Nonprofit Corporation incorporated in the State of Montana, with its principal offices at 104 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, and a tax identification number of 81-0482646, the sum of $ __________ (or _____ percent of my estate, or otherwise describe assets given), for its general purposes to protect large carnivores and their habitat in the American West.”
If you have any questions, or would like more information about including People and Carnivores in a planned gift instrument, please contact Lisa Upson at 406.587.3389. People and Carnivores’ tax identification number is 81-0482646. If you do include People and Carnivores in your estate or other plans, please let us know so that we can thank you properly for your generosity. If you have made any planned giving arrangements under our previous name, Keystone Conservation, let us know so that we can help to ensure your wishes are fulfilled.