Coexistence Toolkits


Conflict prevention tool kits are effective for short term prevention when carnivores are known to be in the area, there is a higher risk for conflicts, and vulnerable animals need safeguarding. Tool kits include scare devices like randomly strobing Foxlights, motion alarms, an outdoor radio, a trail camera for monitoring, and additional resources and information on long-term prevention including low-stress livestock handling, the use of livestock guardian dogs and animals, and bear safety information including an inert bear spray training canister. 

Having multiple tools allows homeowners and ranchers to be adaptive in a variety of situations. For example, placing strobing Foxlights around a pasture or home, and leaving a radio on near an outbuilding, barn, or piece of farming equipment creates an impression of human activity in the area and can temporarily deter large carnivores like wolves and bears. Rotating the location of the devices can prevent animals from getting used to the light or sound and can prolong effectiveness. 

We have loaned out multiple toolkits in western Montana to deter wolf, bear, and lion activity and successfully prevented conflicts. We loan out the toolkits in certain Western Montana locations for 6-8 weeks at a time. We can also advise landowners on putting their own tool kits together and how to use the various components. Contact us to learn more: or (406) 587-3389.
